From left to right: Deanna, Jocelyn, Kris, Jonathan, Chuck, Jacey, Cara, Hannah, Don, Bert
on the ground: Alanna, Lindsay, Janessa and Barry is taking the picture
From March 18-25, our team of 14 worked with Mexico Medical Mission in Loreto doing different construction projects, hosting VBS (vacation bible school) programs and playing with the kids. I met the team at the airport in Loreto with Don, the leader of Mexico Medical Mission with his wife Lorainne. After a lots of hugs we headed out to motel Brenda where we got settled then we toured the town a bit.

For 3 days, we had a construction project. At Mar de Cristal, Jacey and Kris worked on building a bathroom while Lindsay, Deanna, Hannah, Janessa, Jonathan and I worked on raking sand, spreading gravel, covering the plumbing pipe, moving big rocks, pulling weeds, and picking up garbage. The other construction project was at Victorian Cristo. Alanna, Cara, Bert and Barry worked on painting the inside of the church. By the end of the 3 days, all the jobs were completed except the bathroom which was hard work.

After the construction project, we hosted a VBS program for the kids at Mar de Cristal. The first day there were 5 kids and each day grew in number. For VBS we played games like pato pato ganzo (duck duck goose) which the kids loved and a few others. Then we had a puppet show which Janessa, Kris and I did. After the puppet show we had some crafts for the kids to to, Lauren's spanish was great! We also had some songs to sing and at the very end, balloons which the kids went nuts for! They absolutely loved them!

One day, we went to the Migrant workers camp which is about an hour drive north of Loreto in San Juan. It was the hottest day yet! We stopped for lunch under the bridge which was the only shade of the day. We arrived at siesta time, so not many people were out when we got there so we set up and played soccer with the kids and fed the goats. We did our puppet show and had a dental clinic, eye chart and a few nurses, Heather and Nancy, who took blood preasure and some other things. We had a hot dog and soup dinner for everybody which was wonderful. After that, we played with the kids a bit more and then we were supposed to have a video presentation, but a dog peed on the equipment so we just ended the day with hanging out and coloring.
We had all our meals at Don and Lorainne's house except for the meals where we ate out. Don and Lorainne are amazing! They are wonderful people who are listening to the call that God has given them and are really making a difference and touching lives in Loreto. I cannot thank them enough for all of their hospitality. This mission trip was an amazing experience and has definately changed me. I certainly appreciate the things that I have, and my family and a great deal more and am so greatful for the life that I have being born in Canada. We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful country. I would do this all over again in a heartbeat!
I would like to say a special thank you to everybody who supported me! I appreciate it so much! God Bless you all!

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