>We arrived in Pender Harbour at 0915 after sailing wing on wing most of the way from Secret Cove to Pender Harbour. We spent a nice evening at the clubs outstation there then departed at 0915 on July 11th for Lund.
>We arrived at Lund at 1700 but we had a rainy night and morning. The girls had a chance to work on their Spanish and we were able to do a little laundry as well. There is a great bakery in Lund and we enjoyed cinnamon buns and lattes.

> We departed Lund at 1115 on July 14th and headed for Squirrel Cove. The winds were strong and we found ourselves making 8.8 kn at one point!
>We spent a still and quiet night at Squirrel cove before departing at 1115 to head over to Laura Cove in Desolation Sound. Since Laura Cove was full, we moved over to Prideaux Haven where we anchored for three days. It was sunny and warm and the kids swam and tubed and we feasted on over 70 fresh prawns!
>We departed Prideaux Haven on July 16th under cloudy skies and headed up to Blind Channel which is where we are now. This is a really pretty spot with an excellent shore facility.
>This morning, Jay and Jenny went fishing and Jenny is proud to show off her first salmon catch! Thanks to Jenny, we all enjoyed a fantastic

We are teaching the kids to play Canasta and they've caught on very quickly and are anxious to play tonight.
Tomorrow we are getting up early to make the 11 hour trip to Telegraph Harbour where we'll spend the night and next morning. We hope to visit the whale museaum and, if we're lucky, we'll see some whales on our way there!